Columbia Blacktail Deer, Columbia Whitetail Deer & Roosevelt Elk
Complete your North American "Grand Slam" with Deep Timber Outfitters.
Roosevelt Elk
Rifle - 5 days - $8000
Archery - 5 days - $8500
Muzzle loader - 5 days - $8000
Call for pricing on all hunts with out lodging, food and transportation and pricing for LOP tags for elk hunts.
Rocky Mountain Elk
Rifle - 5 days - $8000
Archery - 5 days - $8500
Call for pricing on all hunts with out lodging, food and transportation and pricing for LOP tags for elk hunts.
Cascade Blacktail Deer
Rifle - 5 days - $7500
Archery - 5 days - $7500
(early and late season archery hunts available)
Columbia Blacktail Deer
Rifle - 5 days - $7500
Archery - 5 days - $7500
(early and late season archery hunts available)
Mule Deer
Call for pricing
Columbia Whitetail Deer
$8500 - basic price - some LOP tags and guide allocated tags may vary.
Black Bear
3 days - $5500
5 days - $7000
All hunts include lodging, food and transportation while hunting.
1000.00 daily rate for bear hunt (no lodging, food) transportation while hunting included with a two day min.
Turkey (Rio)
1 day - $750 Hunts Include- Room and Board, Food an Transportation while hunting.
1 day-$450 Hunts with no accommodation's or food needed.
Specialty Animals
Big Horn Sheep, Mountain Goats, etc., please call for pricing
Spectator Fee
$250 per day
Oregon Statewide Tags
call for pricing
Nevada and Idaho LOP Tags
Available for Rocky Mountain Elk, Mule Deer, Whitetail Deer and Pronghorn
Oregon LOP Tags & Guide Allocated Tags
Available for Elk, Blacktail, Mule Deer, Eastern Whitetail and Columbia Whitetail
Call for list of available Guide Allocated non-resident tags