• Columbia Blacktail and Cascade Blacktail-rifle and archery hunts over the counter.
• Columbia Blacktail and Cascade Blacktail muzzleloader – Draw system, May 15 deadline.
• Juvenile Columbia Blacktail and Cascade Blacktail rifle – Draw system, May 15 deadline.
• Roosevelt Elk/Cascade Roosevelt Elk– rifle and archery over the counter.
• Roosevelt Elk/Cascade Roosevelt Elk– muzzleloader draw system May 15 deadline.
• Spring Black Bear rifle and archery – draw system. Spring bear has changed to a February 10th controlled tag draw.
• Fall Black Bear rifle and archery – over the counter, may purchase second tag over the counter with an October 2nd deadline. Season runs from August 1st-December 31st.
• LOP tags - Elk and Columbia Whitetail Deer sell fast, please call or message for availability for these tags.
• Guide Allocated Tags (for non-residents only) - Call for availability and more information
• Statewide tags - sold by auction or raffle and start after the first of the year, call for dates of auctions and raffles for specific species.
• All Guided Trips on National Forest lands are covered under special use authorizations issued by the US National Forest Service.